1x1 - Wedding Bell Blues
Writer(s) Name:-
Pat Allee and Ben Hurst
First Aired:-
4 October 1999 (US)
Episode Synopsis:-
The Band find out that Robotnik is going to be married to the Queen. They don't believe it but they think there might be a chance that there mother will be there so they have to find out.
Featured Song:-
When Tomorrow Comes
Characters In this episode
* This is the Real Pilot Episode (See Eps 26,28 & 30 for Notes)
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Goofs and Mistakes
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[Blue Arms] - At the Start of the Episode, when Sonic zooms in and then stops by the Chilly Dog Robot, he has Blue Arms.
[Sonia's Skin] - While in both 'Musician' gear and 'Style' Dress, Sonia's hands are Pink Skin toned.
[Sonia's Skin] - While Sonia is wearing her 'Style' Dress, her Shoulders and Upper Chest are Skin Toned.
[Stock Art/Medallions] - During the Music Video, the Stock art of Sonia playing her keyboard has her still wearing her Mediation
[Forgotten] - After Sonia has changed her dress, she puts on a beauty mark. This disappears in following Scenes
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