Sir Bartleby MonClaire
Race- ?
Sex- Male
Voical- Age- ?
Family- Sonia (Ex-Fiancée)
Groups- Nobility

Bartley is very rich and lives well during Robotnik's rule. Since Sonia grew up with the Rich life, it appears that he is her boyfriend. He is use to the money to get anything he wants and does not really care what happens to other. At the start of the series he does not like the people Sonia is hanging around with because they are wanted criminals At times, he walks a fine line (as Sonia says) in which he helps out Sonia in a way.

Sound Clips-
Bartleby- "Sonic? Sonia! How could you let your Ruffian brothers into my Home?"
Bio-Analysis of Character-

Bartleby has to be the Single character that changes the most over the course of the show. The Flashback/History Episode 'Harmony or Something' shows Bartleby is mostly only interested in himself but will stand up to Robotnik to a small amount, this completely changes after he becomes aware that Robotnik will Robotised him if he doesn't do what is wanted of him. In Wedding Bell blues we see Bartlebys Nature of living the 'good life'. He is more interested in his status and his art collections (which also come up again later in 'Artifact') then fighting Robotnik and taking the planet back. He doesn't think much of the Royal Hedgehogs because of them going on the run and being wanted criminals, no matter the reason behind it, but still shows a love for Sonia. To his end, he lies partly to help sneak the Sonic Underground into the old Royal Palace. Later in that Episode, he is shown that he might have betrayed them and is more on Robotnik's side, telling Sonia she should become ruler just to let Robotnik get the power. In 'Come out where ever you are', he is a lot more loyal to Sonia then Robotnik and sneaks her into the Débutante Ball, even lying directly to Robotnik to do so. In 'Head Games' Bartleby is still being fairly proud of his money and helping Robotnik turn an island into a Resort for the Rich people of Robotroplis, but Robotnik is keeping some information back on what is going to happen to the people from Bartleby. It is clear by this point, Robotnik starts to really distrust Bartleby but still uses him when it suits him. 'Healer' shows that Bartleby does know where Sonia is, though he hasn't told Robotnik and he seams to want Robotnik gone, even if it is mostly for his own safely when he tells Sonia that 'The Days of the Robotasizer are at an end'. In 'Bartleby the Prisoner', we see the final stage of Bartleby's Change as he ends up going completely against Robotnik when Robotnik puts him on Trial. Due to the show ending, it is not known what happens to him after this but Bartleby is clearly more on the Side of the Freedom Fighters then he was at the start of the show.
Notes Relating to the Character-
* In the Episode 'Come out wherever you are', he is introduced as Sir Bartleby of Dresden. Where as in 'Bartleby the Prisoner' he is called Bartleby MonClaire. This is probably NOT a mistake but MonClaire is his Surname and the other was his official title as he probably is or was a lord of Dresden.