Story European & American The evil scientist, Dr Robotnik, has unleashed his most diabolical plot yet to turn the animals of Planet Mobius into robots. His monstrous contraption, the Veg-O-Fortress, built on Mt. Mobius, is already transforming happy creatures into mindless slaves!
Dr. Robotnik's fiendish machine draws its power from the mountain's volcano. Fiery lava fuels the lethal Pinball Defence System that protects the Fortress.
Sonic and his pal, Tails, mount an air assault on the Fortress, only to be blasted in mid-flight by Robotnik's cannons. Sonic is knocked into deep waters near the volcano. But he has friends in wet places - and is saved at the last moment!
Sonic sneaks into the Toxic Caves below the Fortress. From there, he infiltrates Robotnik's vast and deadly defence. In no time at all, Sonic starts swiping emeralds, freeing the animals of Mobius, and dishing out hedgehog justice!
Yo, Robotnik! You're in for a mountain of trouble now. Sonic is spinning into action! From:- UK & US Manuals | |