1x44 - Untouchable Sonic
Writer(s) Name:-
Dennis O'Flaherty
First Aired:-
01 November 1993 (USA)
Episode Synopsis:-
The town of Mobuis corners is held under a protection racket by Robotnik's Bots as Sonic and Tails come to there aid.
Sonic Say Segment:-
"Don't join Crime Gangs"
International Name~ Le gang des robots [French]
Characters In this episode
* Though the look is Wrong, the two Robots in his episode named 'BallHog' and 'Roller' are based on there Sonic 1 namesakes. Roller does even show off the 'roller' ability and Ballhog takes a Bomb from his pouch.
* Also seen in his episode appear to be Sonic 2 'Octus', 'Masher' & 'Chop Chop'
* REFENCE- The Title is parody of the Series 'The Untouchables'.
* Personal idea was right: The clips of Sonic shown on TV were from a Pilot Episode.
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